Sunday, April 11, 2010


In just a few short hours, it will be the first Monday of my first week of unemployment. I went from one side of a statistic to another in an instant. I knew it was coming, I was not surprised but I, like many americans and maybe even readers, was hoping to have something else lined up before the inevitable loss of income arrived.

Now I have to face some tough choices...
Do I sublease my apartment and move in with Offer's Mother?
Do I wait it out? Do I look in other cities?
Do I move home, with my parents and their zoo of a house?

All these questions running through my head at this moment and I don't have an answer to a single one.

But I guess that is why tomorrow is day one.

1 comment:

  1. Whatever you decide will be right, I'm sure... but I know what you mean. Such a tough spot to be in!
